TEAM ROCK(3rd アルバム)

発売元:SPEEDSTAR RECORDS/ビクター・エンタテインメント


words: 岸田繁
music: くるり
recorded by 岸田繁、田中浩康、高山徹
edited by 岸田繁、池内亮&高山徹
mixed by 高山徹

2. ワンダーフォーゲル
words & music: 岸田繁
recorded by 上原キコウ
edited by 上原キコウ&高山徹
additional production & manipulated by 草間敬
mixed by 高山徹

3. LV30
words & music: 岸田繁
recorded by 上原キコウ、宮島哲博&高山徹
edited by 上原キコウ
mixed by 高山徹

4. 愛なき世界
words & music: 岸田繁
recorded & mixed by 高山徹

5. C’mon C’mon
words & music: くるり
recorded by 内川岳浩、岸田繁&草間敬
edited & mixed by 岸田繁&草間敬

6. カレーの歌
words & music: 岸田繁
recorded by 小杉一人
mixed by 岸田繁

7. 永遠
words: 岸田繁&佐藤征史
music: くるり
recorded by 笹原与志一&小杉一人
edited by 岸田繁、佐藤征史、池内亮、森田良紀、草間敬
mixed by 佐藤征史&草間敬

words & music: 岸田繁
recorded & mixed by 高山徹

9. ばらの花
words & music: 岸田繁
recorded by 高山徹&上原キコウ
edited & mixed by 高山徹

10. 迷路ゲーム
words & music: 岸田繁
recorded & edited by 上原キコウ
mixed by 佐藤雅彦

11. リバー
words & music: 岸田繁
recorded by 清野修、上原キコウ、高山徹、笹原与志一& 宮島哲博
edited by 清野修
mixed by TOM DURACK

Produced by Quruli
arranged by Quruli and every engineer worked with


岸田繁 kishida shigeru:vocals, guitars, keyboards, pro tools and various instruments & effects
佐藤征史 sato masashi:bass guitar, vocals, pro tools and various instruments & effects
森信行 mori nobuyuki:drums, percussions, vocals and various instruments & effects
草間敬:keyboard on M5
miki(from supercar):back ground vocals on M9
奥野真哉(from SOUL FLOWER UNION):upright piano on M11

assisted by 徳江和美、湯村謙一、海崎晃典、池内亮、斎藤隆之、小杉一人、内川岳浩&黒田かおり
recorded at サウンドクルー、フリーダムスタジオ、ソニー信濃町スタジオ、サウンドスカイ川奈、一口坂スタジオ、青葉台スタジオ、フォリオサウンド、バズーカースタジオ&スタジオ882
mixed at フォリオサウンド、青葉台スタジオ&一口坂スタジオ
mastered by 前田YAZMAN康二 at Burnie Grundman Mastering
drum tech:野元洋平(team active)
instrument tech:荒井雅博(team active)
a&r director:高橋太郎(speedstar records)
artist manager:藤井寿博&平林優(bad news)
promoter:石田稔(speedstar records)
sales promoter:立石一海&山本雅美(speedstar records)
executive producer:白濱一郎&豊島直巳(speedstar records)
supervisor:高垣健(speedstar records)&千葉和利(bad news)
hair & make up:樅山敦
art directed & designed by 小田島等(fd design)
design assisted by松下佐紀子(fd design)
quruli train logo designed by:大河原邦男
coordinated by 鈴木栄子(victor design center)

special thanks to
益子樹、田中宗一郎、スーパーカー、遠藤賢司、向井秀徳、白川貴善、ミト、Arto Lindsay、斎藤秀一、小林和行、島田貴充、北村孝則、柴悟、Fender、All of our friends and you
※miki appears by the courtesy of Ki/oon Records